About Abby Quam and Clayton Panteah
Abby Quam and Clayton Panteah carve together and produce many different animal carvings with various beautiful stones.
The heartlines you see in these carvings are very typical of the heartlines that they add to their animal carvings.
The heartlines you see in these carvings are very typical of the heartlines that they add to their animal carvings.
Examples of their work:
Carved in Crazy Horse Marble with Turquoise eyes and heartline
by Abby Quam & Clayton Panteah signed on base (CAP) Large size 2 1/4" long x 7/16" wide, 3/4" tall |
Wolf, Standing
Carved in Onyx with Turquoise eyes and heartline by Abby Quam & Clayton Panteah signed on base (CAP) Large size 4" long , 1" wide, just over 1 1/2" tall at nose |