Learn About the Art > About Zuni Fetishes > Avanyu / Water Serpent Fetishes
Avanyu / Water Serpent Fetishes

Avanyu fetish carving
The Avanyu (or Water Serpent) is a feathery sky snake. Avanyus represent water and rain, and by consequence, crop fertility. The Avanyu takes on the form of a lightening bolt and brings storms filled with thunder and lightening. It is the protector of water passages (rivers, streams, etc.). The Avanyu changes the seasons and is responsible for change in general. Avanyu snake fetishes are used to bless water, bring rain and restore energy to its owner and others.
Zuni Avanyu or Water Serpent fetish carvings are less commonly carved than other animals such as bears, mountain lions, coyotes, foxes, wolves and eagles.
We often carry a selection of Zuni avanyu fetish carvings. Available fetishes can be viewed and ordered via our Online Catalog here.
Zuni Avanyu or Water Serpent fetish carvings are less commonly carved than other animals such as bears, mountain lions, coyotes, foxes, wolves and eagles.
We often carry a selection of Zuni avanyu fetish carvings. Available fetishes can be viewed and ordered via our Online Catalog here.
Additional examples of Zuni Avanyu fetishes, carved with various degrees of detail in different materials: