- Northwest Coast
- >
- Eskimo - Inuit Steatite Stone Carvings
Eskimo - Inuit Steatite Stone Carvings

230601-170 Eskimo Inuit Sculpture Large Rabbit

230601-139 Large 16" Inuit Caribou Sculpture with Antlers

220513-07 Eskimo Woman and red berries By: Ron Ekemo

221107-462 Vintage Inuit Bear Fetish with inset eyes

230131-03 Large Inuit Walrus Sculpture by Sam Dimmick

160816-03 Large Inuit Green Bear by Seepee Ipellee from Iqaluit

160816-04 Eskimo Winged Figure

230131-05 NW Coast Sculpture 2 Walruses Alabaster by Sam Dimmick

170930-11 Whale bone Transformation figure

1009-01 Eskimo Statite Carving - Warus c. 1970

120117-17 Larger Inuit Steatite Figure with a Fish

151112-43 INative Alabaster Eagle Feather signed M. Pakana;

151112-24 Eskimo Caving; Seal

151112-30 Inuit carved walrus, Cape Dorset Serpentine

151112-38 Inuit carved bear, Cape Dorset Serpentine

151112-42 Inuit Walrus Carving

151112-44 Inuit carved 3 seals on an ice flow

151112-45 Inuit soapstone carvings of 3 seals on ice flow

151112-44 Inuit soapstone carvings of 3 seals on ice flow

151112-46 Inuit Steatite seal

151112-47 Inuit Steatite seal

151112-48 Inuit Steatite man holding seal by head

151112-50 Inuit black steatite seal in playful posture

180601-06 Eagle / Salmon Carving by Sam Dimmick

180601-09 Salmon Carving by Sam Dimmick

180601-10 Walrus Carving by Sam Dimmick

180816-014 Inuit Steatite Carving 5 1/4" h