- New Acquisitions - Recently Reduced - Special Collections
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- The MKL Collection
The MKL Collection
230601-093 Ultra Fine Pomo Boat Basket
230601-105 Pit River Pictorial Basket
230601-014 Washoe degikup basket with attribution to Lena Dick
230601-098 Antique Pomo Indian Basket with Mountain Motif
230601-091 Large Pit River Twined Basket bowl
230601-079 Large Nootka or Makah Trinket Basket with Lid + Nob;
230601-080 Fine Makah Trinket Bird Motif Basket with Lid
230601-087 Fine Pit River Twined Basket bowl
230601-085 Fine Yurok Trinket Twined Basket
230601-072 Western Apache Burden Basket;
230601-021 San Ildefonso Pottery by Marie + Julian Martinez
230601-017 Fine Acoma Jar by Mary Histia (1893/1895-1973)
230601-029 Hopi Pueblo Pottery by Rondina Huma
230601-032 Pottery Santo Domingo Dish/Bowl
230601-034 Anasazi Black on Red Pre-Historic Pottery Bowl
230601-035 Anasazi Pottery Pre-Historic PotteryBowl
230601-036 Anasazi Pottery Pre-Historic Bowl - Blanket Motif
230601-024 Santa Clara Pottery Bowl
230601-026 San Ildephonso Pottery Bowl by Rose Gonzales
230601-020 Santa Clara Pueblo Pottery - Attrib. Margaret Tafoya
230601-022 Santa Clara Pueblo Pottery by Nathan "Deer Path" Youngblood
230601-183 Early Zuni Cuff Bracelet; Smaller size
230601-188 Navajo Heavy Sand Cast Cuff Bracelet
230601-103 Southern California Mission Indian Basket:
230601-142 Panamint Basket - Small open bowl
230601-106 Washoe Indian Basket with four stars
230601-075 Basket: Paiute Beaded Orange and Black
230601-078 Tlingit Basket: With Rattle Lid + Nob